Sony WH-1000XM4 Test


Les vår grundige test av Sony WH-1000XM4, de populære støydempende hodetelefonene som tilbyr en førsteklasses lydopplevelse. Opplev avansert støydempingsteknologi, komfortabelt design og imponerende lydkvalitet.


Sony WH-1000XM4 is a popular model of noise-cancelling headphones that has gained significant attention in the consumer market. These headphones utilize active noise control (ANC) technology to suppress unwanted ambient sounds, providing users with a more immersive audio experience. By capturing the targeted ambient sounds through a microphone, the WH-1000XM4 generates sound waves that are exactly out of phase with the undesired sounds, resulting in their cancellation through destructive interference.

TEST: Sony WH-1000XM4 – Fortsatt den beste støydempingen

Noise Cancellation Technology

One notable feature of noise-cancelling headphones like the WH-1000XM4 is their ability to significantly increase the signal-to-noise ratio in noisy environments, such as in aviation. In aviation, these headphones make it easier for pilots to hear important information, such as safety announcements, amidst the loud background noise. The noise-cancelling waveform is generated in real-time using analogue technology, allowing for effective noise reduction across the frequency spectrum.

While noise cancellation is highly efficient in reducing constant droning sounds like road noise, it may be less effective against short/sharp sounds like voices or breaking glass. Additionally, higher-frequency noises, such as spraying sounds, may not be effectively eliminated by noise-cancelling headphones. To prevent higher-frequency noise from reaching the ear, these headphones often rely on sound isolation or soundproofing techniques.

It is important to note that noise-cancelling headphones specify the amount of noise they can cancel in terms of decibels, although this measure does not provide a complete picture of noise reduction at various frequencies. Sony WH-1000XM4 and similar models have gained popularity not only in aviation but also as sleeping aids for individuals with insomnia or other sleeping disorders. They have also been implemented in hospitals to reduce noise exposure for patients in intensive care units, potentially improving sleep and overall well-being.

TEST: Sony WH-1000XM4 – Fortsatt den beste støydempingen

Design and Comfort

The Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones exhibit a design that is similar to their predecessor, the XM3 model. While the external appearance may be nearly identical, Sony has focused on improving comfort with the XM4. The ear cups now provide a more even pressure distribution and better fit around the ears. The weight of the headphones has also been reduced slightly, further enhancing the overall comfort for extended use. The soft leather ear cushions and ample padding contribute to the luxurious comfort, even for users who wear glasses.

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Sound Quality

Sony WH-1000XM4 offers impressive sound quality that surpasses its predecessors. The headphones deliver a dynamic audio experience with enhanced rhythm and improved clarity across various music genres. The high frequencies are crisp and vibrant, while the bass packs a punch without overpowering the overall sound. Users have the option to activate the DSEE Extreme feature in the Sony app, which aims to restore lost information from Bluetooth compression, resulting in a wider soundstage and greater detail. The 5-band graphic equalizer allows for personalized sound adjustments, complementing the overall listening experience.

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Støydemping og Funksjonalitet

Sony WH-1000XM4 er kjent for sin førsteklasses støydemping. ANC-teknologien analyserer kontinuerlig omgivelsene både inne i og utenfor hodetelefonene for å tilpasse og justere støydempingen tusenvis av ganger i sekundet. Dette gir enestående støydemping som gjør at brukerne kan fordype seg i musikk eller lytteopplevelser uten forstyrrelser fra omgivelsene. Sony har også implementert nye funksjoner som "Speak to chat", som automatisk pauser musikken og aktiverer omgivelseslyd når brukeren begynner å snakke med noen. Den adaptive lydkontrollen tilpasser seg brukerens oppførsel og omgivelser, men kan også justeres manuelt for personlig tilpasning.

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Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones have solidified their position as top-tier noise-cancelling headphones in the market. With their advanced noise cancellation technology, exceptional comfort, and impressive sound quality, they offer users a premium audio experience. Whether used for travel, work, or leisure, the WH-1000XM4 provides an immersive and uninterrupted listening experience that sets a new standard in the world of headphones. Sony continues to innovate and push boundaries, bringing consumers closer to the perfect audio solution.

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Tester 10.01.2024, 11:00 111
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Sony WH-1000XM4 is a popular model of noise-cancelling headphones that has gained significant attention in the consumer market. These headphones utilize active noise control (ANC) technology to suppress unwanted ambient sounds, providing users with a more immersive audio experience. By capturing the targeted ambient sounds through a microphone, the WH-1000XM4 generates sound waves that are exactly out of phase with the undesired sounds, resulting in their cancellation through destructive interference.

One notable feature of noise-cancelling headphones like the WH-1000XM4 is their ability to significantly increase the signal-to-noise ratio in noisy environments, such as in aviation. In aviation, these headphones make it easier for pilots to hear important information, such as safety announcements, amidst the loud background noise. The noise-cancelling waveform is generated in real-time using analogue technology, allowing for effective noise reduction across the frequency spectrum.

While noise cancellation is highly efficient in reducing constant droning sounds like road noise, it may be less effective against short/sharp sounds like voices or breaking glass. Additionally, higher-frequency noises, such as spraying sounds, may not be effectively eliminated by noise-cancelling headphones. To prevent higher-frequency noise from reaching the ear, these headphones often rely on sound isolation or soundproofing techniques.

It is important to note that noise-cancelling headphones specify the amount of noise they can cancel in terms of decibels, although this measure does not provide a complete picture of noise reduction at various frequencies. Sony WH-1000XM4 and similar models have gained popularity not only in aviation but also as sleeping aids for individuals with insomnia or other sleeping disorders. They have also been implemented in hospitals to reduce noise exposure for patients in intensive care units, potentially improving sleep and overall well-being.

While there are certain drawbacks to using noise-cancelling headphones, such as the need for power supply and the potential impact on audio quality, the benefits they offer in terms of noise reduction and enhanced listening experience make them a popular choice for many consumers.

Folk spør også

Hvordan pare Sony WH-1000XM4?

Koble til en paret Bluetooth-enhet Sl p headsettet. Trykk og hold (av/p)-knappen i omtrent to sekunder. ... Opprett Bluetooth-tilkoblingen fra Bluetooth-enheten. For mer informasjon om hvordan du betjener Bluetooth-enheten kan du se bruksanvisningen som fulgte med Bluetooth-enheten.

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Er Sony WH-1000XM4 vanntett?

Vanntett design Sony WH-1000XM4 kommer med IPX4-sertifisering og er derfor beskyttet mot vannspray, slik at litt vann eller svette ikke vil skade dem.

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Hvordan koble Sony WH-1000XM4 til flere enheter?

Betjen enheten som quot;Sony | Headphones Connectquot;-appen er installert p for etablere en Bluetooth-tilkobling med headsettet. Sl p [Connect to 2 devices simultaneously] med quot;Sony | Headphones Connectquot;-appen. Betjen den andre enheten for etablere en Bluetooth-tilkobling til headsettet.

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Hva betyr Dsee?

Med vr Digital Sound Enhancement Engine (DSEE) gjenopprettes hyfrekvent lyd og gradvis lydreduksjon i sporet for en mer autentisk lytteopplevelse.

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